“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” - John C. Maxwell
Starting the school year right will give you ample time to build on your habits and slowly be a more successful student. So here are 5 good habits to have.

Set a daily routine
Setting a daily routine will be helpful in the long run. Doing this provides you with a good learning structure and sets aside enough time to do your work and rest. Remember that you should learn to balance your time to relax amidst your studying. Going out for walks, spending time with your family, trying out new cooking recipes and reading are some things that can refresh your mind before going back for another round of mugging.
On weekends, it is also advisable to wake up at the same time every day as it not only gives you the boost of energy you need throughout the day but also helps you sleep better at night.
Here is an example of an ‘after school routine’. From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., you can spend time having dinner and taking a break from a long day of school. Then, from 8 p.m. to 10.30 p.m., it is for studying and completing your homework, and from 10.30 p.m. to 11 p.m., it is time to unwind and get ready to sleep.

Go through the learning outcomes
The learning outcomes are a list of learning objectives to be met after a chapter is taught. It can be found in the syllabus of the respective subject which can be retrieved online. It will be helpful for you to read through the reading materials such as the textbook and guidebook before your teacher goes through a new chapter as it can better prepare you for what's to come. Being prepared for a lesson is important as it will allow you to understand the gist of the lesson better so that in class, it will be easier for you to follow the lesson. Also, during your revisions, you can use the learning objectives as a checklist to guide you and to check your understanding of the respective chapter.

Be curious
Being curious can help motivate you to learn new skills or about the current affairs that are going on around the world. It also makes your mind more active instead of passive as your mind will be continuously thinking and generating ‘why’s to be answered. It is also a good habit to have while you are studying. Asking more ‘why’s can help you find those loopholes that you may encounter and also about the content that you are being taught.
Here are some ways to develop curiosity:
1. Keep an open mind
Having an open mind allows you to have a broader view of the world around you and the different things that you may come across. Also, with an open mind, you will be able to learn, relearn and also unlearn things.
2. See things or your work as fun instead of boring
“Time flies when you are having fun” is a quote that my teacher always says to us after class. I strongly agree with this quote. As long as you find something fun to do and spark your curiosity, you will always enjoy doing it. For example, seeing your most dreaded subject as a subject that is fun after being able to understand the concepts and also the idea of it. It will open a door of opportunities for you to learn more about the subject and outside of it, and develop your curiosity.
3. Read more
Reading many genres of books can open your mind to the different worlds there are to explore. It can also spark your interest and encourage you to learn about things that are not taught in school.

Stay organised
Organisation is a good soft skill to have. Being organised in terms of your study schedule includes how often you do filing, knowing when your important exams are and setting aside enough time for revisions.
By consistently being organised, when it’s time to start studying for your exams, you won’t have to waste time finding all your worksheets or notes and can better utilise your time for your revisions. This can help you learn to prioritise your activities, set and achieve goals, and also reduce stress.

Learning all the different studying methods is not enough if they are not being practised regularly. Having consistency in practising the study methods every day and seeing which is more suitable for you will help you a lot when it is time to study.
Additionally, knowing that it is better to be consistent in your schoolwork and revision will allow you to measure how your results are changing over time. Having consistency can build discipline and accountability in your work. This will help to prevent the need to cram a lot of content the week before a test or an exam and be more focused on your goals.
Hope these tips will help you be prepared for the upcoming semester and be a more successful student!